

16” x 20” acrylic on canvas

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filter, 16” x 20” acrylic on canvas

Filter is an exploration of abstraction that delves into the layers that exist between the seen and the unseen. This captivating piece uses bold strokes and a compelling contrast of colors to depict the myriad layers that comprise our reality, as well as the unseen elements beyond our perception. At the center of the composition is a stark, almost hieroglyphic peering hand, encapsulated within a window-like form, as a representation of knowledge or a message waiting to be delivered and deciphered. This central motif is enveloped by sweeping curves and lines that create a sense of movement, symbolizing the dynamic filtering process between different states of perception.

The palette is rich with deep grays, luminous yellows, and intense blues, all layered with a painterly finesse that gives depth and texture to the piece. The use of white and negative space is strategic, suggesting clarity and illumination amidst the surrounding complexity. Through this visual interplay, 'Filter' speaks to the multifaceted nature of understanding and the idea that truth is often a composite of many different perspectives. This painting invites viewers to ponder the veils of reality and the truths that lie just beyond our sight. It is a celebration of the unseen forces that shape our world and a testament to the artist's vision of the ethereal layers that connect the tangible to the intangible.